Promo Mechanics:
Birthday celebrant can avail the Birthday Promo for one (1) whole month as long as it is within the month of his/her birthday.
Birthday celebrant may eat for one (1) free buffet at all Yakimix Branches.
To avail the birthday promo, the celebrant MUST be
accompanied by minimum of three (3) full paying adult rates without any discount/s.
Celebrant must also complete filled out the information form we provided.
Celebrant must bring any ORIGINAL VALID Government issued ID with picture and with birth date imprinted on it, both for Local & Foreign I.D’s for proof such as:
∙ S.S.S. ID
∙ Driver’s License
∙ Passport
∙ Barangay I.D.
∙ N.B.I. or Police Clearance
∙ Vaccine I.D. / Card
∙ Voter’s / Comelec I.D.
∙ National I.D.
- In case that the adult guest doesn’t have government issued I.D. with picture, he / she may bring his / her birth certificate supported by any I.D. with picture. (School or Company I.D.)
- In case that the child guest doesn’t have government issued I.D., with picture, he / she may bring his / her birth certificate supported by his / her parent’s I.D. or his / her own I.D. with picture (School I.D.).
This promo can’t be used in conjunction with any other in-house existing promotions.
Mandated 20% off for Senior Citizen may either avail whichever is higher. Basis “R.A.9994 Sec. 4” in the purchase of goods & services which are on promotional discount, the senior citizen can avail the promotional discount or the discount provided under the Expanded Senior Citizen Act of 2010, whichever is higher.
How to Redeem?
Step 1: Click REDEEM DEAL Button.
Step 2: Download & Register on the SM Malls online App.
Step 3: Proceed to Deals Near You section in the app home page.
Step 4: Swipe the coupon in store to redeem offer.