
 While distributing coffee for various cafes and hotels, Andrew Canamo saw the need for local baristas to practice their coffee-making skills. He converted a small coffee bar in their office and invited baristas. It didn’t take long before their space became too small for all the baristas they’ve trained. So, they jumped at the opportunity to turn around a closing café and Coffee Brewtherhood was born, inspired by the brotherhood of baristas.


“For the common Ilonggo coffee drinker, we were relatively an unknown brand locally,” admits Andrew. “Having a store inside SM City Iloilo immensely improved the awareness of our brand and our accessibility to our customers.” Unlike other cafes which serve pastries with coffee, Coffee Brewtherhood focused solely on serving beverages. They take special pride in brewing local coffee beans. “We use coffee from Davao and Robusta coffee from Iloilo, which we are sourcing from La Granja Cereza Roja Farm in Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo,” expounds Andrew. “Right now, we are getting most of their harvest and it’s the best-selling retail coffee that we have. We also send some of this coffee to Manila as well.”


While relatively a new brand, Andrew has his hopes high and looking for national expansion in the future. To know more about Coffee Brewtherhood, visit https:/