
What stores can I order from, using the Aura Shopper?

    • All essential, retail, and food stores are available to order from. As long as they're open, our personal shoppers can shop on your behalf.
    • Only banks, salons, and other such services are not valid.
    • You can check out what's open through the Aura Guide. You can also view all the food menus here.


How much is the service fee?

    • The service fee to book a personal shopper is Php50.
    • If you choose to have your purchases delivered, the delivery fee is Php150 for the first 5km (plus Php10 for every succeeding km).
    • If you pick up your items at the curb-side pick-up area, you only need to pay for the Php50 personal shopper service fee.


What are the modes of payment?

    • You can pay via - Cash on Delivery, BDO Online Bank Transfer, and GCash.


Where does the Aura Shopper deliver to?

    • The Aura Shopper delivers to any area within 10km from SM Aura Premier


Can I add more items or change some items that I listed in my order form?

    • Yes. Once your personal shopper has been assigned, you can freely message him/her about any additions or changes you want made.


What if one or more of the items I want isn't available?

    • Don't worry. You will only be asked to pay for what your personal shopper is able to purchase on your behalf.


If none of my items are available, can I cancel? Do I still need to pay the personal shopper service fee?

    • You can cancel and we will not charge you for the personal shopper service fee. You only need to pay if any items you want are received.

Book an AURA SHOPPER today!

SM Supermalls Summer Hangout