Three things about me:


1) I’m kind of an oversharer. (Yesterday, Karlo and I were talking about inappropriate places we’ve peed in. When nature calls…)

2) I always need a second opinion. (Where should I have lunch? Should I get ice cream? These are decisions I can’t make on my own.)

3) I love emojis and stickers. I can’t even remember what life was like before when chats were purely text!


These 3 things all manifest when I’m out shopping. Everytime I leave the mall, my camera roll is bound to be filled with photos of books and beauty products (to look up online later), funny/unusual finds, and fitting room selfies that I send to Karlo or my friends for approval.


Here’s a sample conversation between Karlo and I when I was out shopping at SM Makati last month (I was just supposed to pick up a couple of things at SM Beauty…). Read left to right:



So. Many. Stickers! My current favorite (and most used sticker set) is SM Sticker Pak! Ganern! because it’s free and can easily be used in daily conversations, even though it’s branded! Even Karlo, who has a ton of paid stickers, uses it from time to time.


SM Sticker Pak! Ganern! is only available on the Viber Sticker Market for a limited time. Plus, if you show that you have the sticker pack, you can avail of a 10% discount (with a minimum spend of PHP1500) on all regular priced items at The SM Store from August 15-October 15, 2016. I wish I knew of this promo last month when I spent more than PHP4000 at SM Beauty LOL.


Download SM Supermalls on Viber here:

Downloading the sticker pack will automatically subscribe you to the SM Squad Public Chat.

Promo ends Saturday, October 15, 2016!
