
Colors not only make the surroundings look even more beautiful but colors also have the power to bring back memories and trigger emotions. Colors can easily uplift our moods and can also represent our personality and unique identities as a person. ColorGram officially launched at SM North on March 6. This partnership with SM North EDSA and Davies offers a world where one does not only see these bright and bold colors but also experience how powerful these colors are in our lives. ColorGram welcomes us to a colorful world and Instagram worthy place.

What to see in ColorGram?


Shades of Gram
Talk about anything colorful form walls, floors, giant blocks, patterned corners and 4 beautiful mood rooms, the Shades Of Gram is sure to add colors to your Instagram feeds! Check it out at The Block Atrium from March 5-22

Balls of Color
How about diving into three giant ball pits and unleashing the child in you? Bring your kids and have a bonding moment in the Balls of Colors located at the Annex, 4th floor from March 5-31.


Color Qraze
Want to win cool prizes? Simply follow the QR codes to know more about ColorGram and get a chance to win some goodies too! Follow the Color Qraze at the ColorGram areas from March 6-31.

It’s A Material World
Open your world to the challenge of finding your creative voice in the industrialized world. Contemporary art is no longer limited to paintings and sculptures nor it is defined by style, but an attitude that challenges the norms and traditions. Balance functionality and imagination in your home by using the vibrant colors of Davies Roofshield and Davies Sun & Rain.

 Larger Than Life
This room is all about pastels! Soft, desaturated and mellow colors that play very well with other colors to give out a soothing vibe and friendly impression. The pastel trend can be traced back in 1980's when individuality and experimentation was at its prime. Today, pastel fashion is still very much evident and is used by the younger generation to express themselves through fashion. Let your fun side shine with pastel colors from Davies Megacryl.

What Color Are You?
We all have our favorite color but did you know that these colors say so much about us? There are as many colors as there are personalities in this world and it can either be hot or cold, relaxed or intense, or joyful or calm. Colors affect us in more ways than one. Explore the world of color in this room where colors and psychology intersect. Apply the psychology of color in your homes with the use of Davies Megacryl Semi-Gloss.

Space Warp
Open a world of illusion and explore space perception in this room. This room consists of three different color tones set as faces of an isometric cube sequence to create a full effect that could trick the eyes. Each color tone corresponds to height, width and depth cues to create an illusion of 3D space in our mind. Expand and transform your home or workspaces with Davies Biofresh+premium interior paint.